How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021 Life-changing to do lists

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021,
How to Improve Yourself,
Improve Yourself 2021
How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

Highly recommend 27 good habits for self-improvement.

1. Insist on doing strength or fitness training

Such as squats and push-ups, your physical fitness is up, and your girlfriend/boyfriend will be more sticky to you than before.

2. Be happy for 15 minutes every day.

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

Create a vital point for yourself to release stress, do things that make you happy, replenish oxygen in time, and be happy to continue your life ~ For example, watching jokes, listening to comedies, etc., things can make you laugh. If you are not feel good, you can give it a try.

3. Eat breakfast before nine o’clock in the morning.

It not only nourishes your stomach but also helps you get up early and start a day full of energy.

4. Develop the habit of taking a nap.

Taking a nap every day for about 25 minutes brings more energy for you than any coffee does and welcome the arrival of the afternoon~

5. Always stay curious.

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

For example, now, by sharing this article, you can gain a new skill.

6. Clever use of commuting time.

To or from getting off work, open the reading APP and choose a good book. You will not only be not boring on the road, but it also makes full use of the fragmented time and absorbs more knowledge than others. This year, I used this method and listened to 5 additional fine books. (Remarks: Please don’t read books when driving.)

7. When working or studying, don’t put your mobile phone in your sight,

As it will distract you. Without distractions, you will double your efficiency.

8. Spend some time on walking streets during the holidays

Take a walk to Food Markets, Entertainment Centres, and parks. Don’t spend time soaking in the virtual world. There are many good things to discover outside.

9. Ask more for help.

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

Do not attempt to solve all problems on your own. Maybe something you don’t understand is as simple as “1+1=2” in the eyes of others.

10. Read more and read well.

Read books slowly, take notes, and write ideas. For example, when you read a sentimental sentence or have a different point of view, mark a timestamp and write down your understanding. This secondary learning is more effective than just reading the text through.

11. Keep writing and write down your understanding and ideas.

Whether it is a diary, a film review, a book review, or a current review, express your thoughts through words.

This process will stimulate your thinking. It is a form of dialogue with yourself, which can help you organize your thoughts and clear your mind.

12. Don’t be afraid to face challenges

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

Don’t shrink back and think “I can’t,” but keep “Maybe I can” in mind.

Sometimes when you defeat yourself, you beat the biggest enemy and obstacle. It’s not whether it is possible or not, but whether it is willing or not.

13. Don’t be at work all the time

The human brain is not a perpetual motion machine, and it must be allowed to “be lazy” and let it go for 5 minutes every 45 minutes of work.

In these 5 minutes, you can drink water, look into the sky, and refresh your mind; listen to your favorite music, have a rhythm, and relax your body.

Let the brain rest, charge it for 5 minutes, and last for 1 hour.

14. Muscle training for 20-40 minutes a day.

Barbells, planks, sit-ups, a toned body, firm and powerful muscles will build a more confident self.

15. When angry, go for hygiene.

Spend your angry on cleaning rooms, your mood will gradually calm down, and you will make the room twice as clean. “Killing two birds with one stone.”

16. Attempt to take more opportunities to communicate with great people.

Participate in entrepreneurial sharing sessions and leave messages on Facebook and forums. Influential people are known for their brilliance. If you can have meaningful conversations with them, you may find that their wisdom can enhance your life.

17. Clean the room once a week, and make renovations and decorations from time to time.

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

Make sure to wash your quilts and sheets often, so they smell like sunshine. It allows you to drift off to sweet dreams more quickly at night.

The vacuum cleaner will make your environment spotless and more comfortable.

Occasionally change the room’s layout, add new decorations, grow a few green plants, put up art illustrations, decorate the lights. A warm environment can make people produce happy dopamine. (The happiness is bursting!)

18. Deeply cultivate a field

Don’t rush to make some results in a short time. Give yourself half a year of the introductory period. Then, after mastering the basics, give yourself half a year of promotion. It allows you to continue learning and accumulating in stages until you reach the sprint period that leads to an explosion.

19. Use phone memos or notebooks to record flashing thoughts or inspirations at any time.

Some ideas are fleeting, but they are rare treasure materials or thought-provoking insights.

It may be difficult to recall later if there is not an immediate record.

20. Start with simple bookkeeping and gradually learn to manage money.

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

Divide income into real estate and everyday expenses, record where the money is spent every day, such as meals, transportation expenses, online shopping, entertainment, etc., and stick to bookkeeping. By doing this allows you to determine your spending structure and make adjustments. You can thus avoid at least 90% economic crises.

21. Don’t use Tiktok at the dinner table.

Some conversations are more valuable than videos on the phone.

22. No matter how busy you are, you should always take time to perform a periodic review.

Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, summarize whether what you have done has deviated from the goal, whether you solved the problems effectively, and whether you can improve your method further. The review seems to take time, but it allows you to grow quickly.

23. Use the “timing-reminder work method.”

For unfinished tasks, set a deadline. For example, complete task A before 10 AM; full task B before 1 PM.

It can create a sense of urgency, urge you to concentrate on getting it done, and significantly improve work efficiency.

24. Be grateful to those who have helped you

Greet, contact, and visit them from time to time. When you need help in the future, they will be more willing to help you.

25. Eat fewer sweets, fried, junk food.

Be patient. Although it could be painful at first, you will soon see a positive outcome.

26. Develop a learning mindset that draws nutrients from daily life.

How to Improve Yourself Everyday 2021

Even if you are playing games, you must pay attention to strategy and teamwork;

The conversation at the neighboring table during the meal may also hide knowledge and experience that you may never hear of.

Open your eyes and ears, see more, listen more, and think more. You will learn more than other people.

27. Be generous with others.

For example, when you see a good article like this one, share it to show your approval, which is the best virtue.

Check out this cool video:

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